Home goods stores in Pointe-Calumet, Quebec The most complete information about Home goods stores in Pointe-Calumet, Quebec: Addresses, phone numbers, reviews and other information. All stores Clothing Convenience Electronics Furniture Hardware Home goods Jewelry Store Supermarket All home goods stores in Pointe-Calumet Artisanat Romeo Jean Enr Store Home goods Furniture 781 26e Rue, Pointe-Calumet, QC J0N 1G1 Get Directions Contacts Write a review Service De Reparation Store Home goods Electronics 406 64e Avenue, Pointe-Calumet, QC J0N 1G4 Get Directions Contacts Write a review Studio De Musique Production Solo Store Home goods Electronics Open now Until 05:0 631 Boulevard de la Chapelle, Pointe-Calumet, QC J0N 1G1 Get Directions Contacts Write a review ✗ Facebook Google Plus Twitter